Yesterday I visited the grave of a fellow “brother of the angle” Francis M Walbran who sadly drowned in the nearby River Ure while enjoying his favourite sport in 1909. It is a lesson to all anglers to be careful when wading. Yorkshire spate rivers can rise very quickly.
It is this time of year when many fish for one of his and my favourite fish the “Lady of the Stream” Thymallus Thymallus or grayling which is said to smell of thyme (hence the Latin name) but I’ve always thought more like cucumber.
"And there shall the toiler find rest from his labour When memory’s bright stream shall become but a rill When the rude hand of time shall spare not his neighbour, the voice of the river shall sing to him still."
Rest in Peace Francis Maximilian Walbran
I trust the rivers of heaven are equal to those of Yorkshire